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    To achieve this effect, I cannot imagine anything better than SVG. And the new library Segment (which is an alternative to the DrawSVGPlugin from GSAP) provides the necessary utilities to implement it. The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to the close icon. The Segment library will allow us to animate the path strokes in the way we want. To draw paths, any vector editor (like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape) can be used; in this case we’ll be drawing the paths manually (tying lines, curves and arcs), because we want to get the best possible accuracy. Keep in mind that we are doing an animation that contains “elastic” movements, therefore these must be considered in the length of each path. But before we continue, let’s have a look at Segment.

  • user photo

    tretr4etrdgfetr imagine anything better than SVG. And the new library Segment (which is an alternative to the DrawSVGPlugin from GSAP) provides the necessary utilities to implement it. The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis malesuada nisl sit amet turpis convallis, eu blandit leo porta. Donec odio purus, lacinia vitae quam luctus, posuere elementum libero. Aliquam et sem at justo malesuada congue sit amet gravida augue. Vestibulum augue ante, dictum nec pulvinar nec, aliquam sit amet nibh. Morbi consectetur, urna vel imperdiet vestibulum, tellus lorem posuere leo, ac eleifend elit sem sit amet elit. Etiam congue, ante nec placerat commodo, felis tortor pretium sapien, non sollicitudin augue odio ac erat. Integer faucibus tellus turpis, sed viverra velit bibendum malesuada. Aenean semper, lacus ut porta semper, ipsum augue fringilla ligula, at condimentum sapien odio ac orci.

Phasellus ultricies pharetra neque, vel laoreet lorem mattis et. Suspendisse semper felis in neque fermentum pretium. Nunc semper risus tristique sapien interdum, sit amet blandit justo ultricies. Quisque sed velit at risus volutpat faucibus. Nullam interdum suscipit ipsum quis congue. Curabitur nec venenatis felis. Vestibulum eget nisl nec arcu sagittis imperdiet. Praesent ut orci quis diam rutrum tincidunt. Sed semper mauris ipsum, a fermentum risus placerat at.

Suspendisse aliquam erat eu rutrum auctor. Phasellus nec ipsum at nulla commodo dignissim. Proin pulvinar, lorem et ultrices mattis, sapien dui luctus quam, eget volutpat quam nulla nec est. Duis mollis tellus sit amet felis consectetur ornare. Nullam iaculis consequat risus, sed luctus lectus vulputate nec. Etiam luctus sit amet dolor in dapibus. In dolor est, pharetra a metus in, commodo mattis tellus. Nunc sed nisl scelerisque, posuere nisl nec, sollicitudin ligula. Curabitur finibus neque ut libero ultrices vestibulum ut at mi. Aliquam lorem quam, finibus id congue ut, bibendum et urna. Nullam ullamcorper nisi vitae ex lobortis, non imperdiet ex rutrum. Duis ornare risus vel lorem molestie, vel aliquet magna cursus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum maximus neque nec scelerisque blandit. Donec nisl est, consectetur mollis hendrerit malesuada, finibus a ex.

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+ 12345695876 (346857)
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sd,galiurytg9a aweuifygO8WEYGTO EOiPW489T98Q
В статье описаны задачи, которые встали перед разработчиками отзывчивого дизайна для сайта компании Envision, а также способы их решения. Подробно рассматривается использование подхода «сначала мобильные», метод подбора контрольных точек при масштабировании прототипа сайта в браузере, а также способы контроля содержимого, загружаемого для мобильных устройств, при помощи CMS и небольшого количества JavaScript.
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+ 12345695876 (346857)
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sd,galiurytg9a aweuifygO8WEYGTO EOiPW489T98Q
В статье описаны задачи, которые встали перед разработчиками отзывчивого дизайна для сайта компании Envision, а также способы их решения. Подробно рассматривается использование подхода «сначала мобильные», метод подбора контрольных точек при масштабировании прототипа сайта в браузере, а также способы контроля содержимого, загружаемого для мобильных устройств, при помощи CMS и небольшого количества JavaScript.
Full name:
Communication languages:
+ 12345695876 (346857)
Target countries for selling:
Business area:
sd,galiurytg9a aweuifygO8WEYGTO EOiPW489T98Q
В статье описаны задачи, которые встали перед разработчиками отзывчивого дизайна для сайта компании Envision, а также способы их решения. Подробно рассматривается использование подхода «сначала мобильные», метод подбора контрольных точек при масштабировании прототипа сайта в браузере, а также способы контроля содержимого, загружаемого для мобильных устройств, при помощи CMS и небольшого количества JavaScript.
company name:
The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to the close icon.
full name:
The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to the close icon.
Communication languages:
English,Russian, To achieve this effect, I cannot imagine anything better than SVG. And the new library Segment (which is an alternative to the DrawSVGPlugin from GSAP) provides the necessary utilities to implement it. The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to the close icon
Business area:
eiurgysoieurysoeiru seirugyowe5yt
+ 312657654 (878445665454125)
+ 78842266569541 (44548852122255)
+ 876541321 (897654354)
+ 987654321 (8746543212)
+ 98768746543541321 (687654354131)
To achieve this effect, I cannot imagine anything better than SVG. And the new library Segment (which is an alternative to the DrawSVGPlugin from GSAP) provides the necessary utilities to implement it.
full name:
The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to the close icon.
Business area:
krgfqku qwrgql4 a.oiweu
Country of incorporation:
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Israel, USA, Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Austria
Target countries for selling:
kaueryoiuq a,hgfuq a,kruy
Products in which the company needs:
To achieve this effect, I cannot imagine anything better than SVG
To achieve this effect, I cannot imagine anything better than SVG. And the new library Segment (which is an alternative to the DrawSVGPlugin from GSAP) provides the necessary utilities to implement it. The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to the close icon. The Segment library will allow us to animate the path strokes in the way we want. To draw paths, any vector editor (like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape) can be used; in this case we’ll be drawing the paths manually (tying lines, curves and arcs), because we want to get the best possible accuracy. Keep in mind that we are doing an animation that contains “elastic” movements, therefore these must be considered in the length of each path. But before we continue, let’s have a look at Segment.
company name:
The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to the close icon.
full name:
The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to the close icon.
Communication languages:
English,Russian, To achieve this effect, I cannot imagine anything better than SVG. And the new library Segment (which is an alternative to the DrawSVGPlugin from GSAP) provides the necessary utilities to implement it. The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to the close icon
Business area:
eiurgysoieurysoeiru seirugyowe5yt
+ 312657654 (878445665454125)
+ 78842266569541 (44548852122255)
+ 876541321 (897654354)
+ 987654321 (8746543212)
+ 98768746543541321 (687654354131)
To achieve this effect, I cannot imagine anything better than SVG. And the new library Segment (which is an alternative to the DrawSVGPlugin from GSAP) provides the necessary utilities to implement it.
full name:
The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to the close icon.
Business area:
krgfqku qwrgql4 a.oiweu
Country of incorporation:
Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Israel, USA, Canada, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Austria
Target countries for selling:
kaueryoiuq a,hgfuq a,kruy
Products in which the company needs:
To achieve this effect, I cannot imagine anything better than SVG
To achieve this effect, I cannot imagine anything better than SVG. And the new library Segment (which is an alternative to the DrawSVGPlugin from GSAP) provides the necessary utilities to implement it. The main idea is to create three paths that describe the trajectory of each bar on the burger icon when it transforms to the close icon. The Segment library will allow us to animate the path strokes in the way we want. To draw paths, any vector editor (like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape) can be used; in this case we’ll be drawing the paths manually (tying lines, curves and arcs), because we want to get the best possible accuracy. Keep in mind that we are doing an animation that contains “elastic” movements, therefore these must be considered in the length of each path. But before we continue, let’s have a look at Segment.